What people are saying about us

Find out what our customers and users actually think, write and say about their Coverflex experience.
4.5 on Google Play
(2.712 reviews)
4.8 on Apple Store
(3.325 reviews)
4.8 on Capterra
(50 reviews)
4.7 on G2
(14 reviews)

Don’t just trust the numbers. See what our customers have to say

"Excellent application, very intuitive, very simple. I love Coverflex! It has given me a lot of possibilities compared to my previous card. Excellent partnerships! Excellent work."
Ana Félix
Easy management of benefits, especially the childcare component (far superior to other platforms used in the past) and meals (with a very extensive network of partners). Wallet integration. Visibility of total benefits."
Pedro C.,
Senior Associate in Venture Capital & Private Equity industry
It allows me to transfer the food allowance and benefits to our workers through a single platform. What's more, it allows workers to easily understand where they can use their benefits. It's very user-friendly.
Rita F.,
HR Manager in a company of up to 50 employees
More than 6.000 companies and 125.000 users already trust us. Will you join them?

Same product, different perspective: read about the employees’ experience

Our raving fans are also (amazing) storytellers

Coverflex, catalyst for Stellaxius' growth
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Tailor-made compensation is what Doutor Finanças recommends
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From beauty to benefits, there’s no such thing as caring too much
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see more case studies

No product is perfect.
But we want to get there.

We believe transparency is paramount: read some of the less positive feedback we’ve received. We keep working daily to create a spotless experience to all our users.
Cons: Perhaps the lack of MBway on the cards, but there is Apple/Google Pay.”
Adriano M.,
COO in the tech industry
Unfortunately we are unable to support MB WAY as it as a SIBS network feature and ours is a Visa card.
"They still don't allow you to change the card pin."
Rui R.,
Administrative in the Apparel & Fashion industry
PIN: at the moment, the impossibility to change the PIN code is a limitation of our banking partner. We know it's one of the features that would have the most positive impact on our users' experience, but we haven't been able to unlock it yet.
"The app and the card don't work in all European countries yet."
Miguel S.,
Venture Partner
App and card don't work on all European countries: The Coverflex card is a Visa card with a country-wide coverage. From a legal standpoint, it's a country-specific coverage as the tax law varies depeding on the countries.

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