Lisbon, PT
Client since
February 2021
Company size

Coverflex, a “mattress” tailored to Emma's talent

Emma’s story

Coverflex has a very positive impact: it simplifies onboarding and makes the company more competitive in the market
Multicultural and growing team motivated the choice of a flexible solution
Insurance management at Coverflex became simpler and more intuitive

Coverflex had a very positive impact for us, and the platform itself is geared towards the employee: it places them as the decision maker of their own income.

Cátia Viana
People Operations Manager at Emma

Is there a better word to describe comfort than a mattress tailored to the person who lies on it? At Emma, ensuring quality sleep is like breathing: natural.

In Portugal since 2017, the German company has in Lisbon what will be its biggest talent hub worldwide. By the end of 2025, the organisation expects to have a team of around 400 people working from Portugal.

But the mission of "waking people up to their full sleep potential" doesn’t live off mattresses alone. Night by night, day by day, the ownership model is transversal to all areas of the company. The flexibility? Well… it’s lined up in all dimensions.

The Challenge

Day to day at Emma involves giving the Emmies freedom to decide where and when to spend their compensation. Flexible benefits included.

Because it is an increasingly multicultural team - it has more than 900 employees of 65 nationalities, globally -, Emma sought a solution on the market that would allow the human resources team to provide talent with a compensation model that would meet the needs of different audiences. This goal was achieved with the adoption of Coverflex.

“My day to day involves a lot of management, at an operational level, of employees. I do onboarding, offboarding, benefits management and payroll. It has been an incredible experience”, begins by telling Cátia Viana, People Operations Manager at Emma.

When Cátia arrived at the company, Coverflex had already been implemented. The integration process has been improved since February 2021. “Instead of having 10 platforms where I have to constantly add or send documentation, in three clicks and very quickly, I manage to finish this very bureaucratic part of my day. This means that, in operational terms, we have more time to think about our strategy and how we can improve our processes”, she points out.

The Solution

When new employees arrive at Emma, they are just steps away from starting to own their compensation.

In line with Emma's spirit, “very connected to independence”, Cátia's role is to introduce newcomers to Coverflex: explaining how it works and what the benefits are. “Exactly how they can adapt their flexible benefits to their day-to-day,” she simplifies.

“The important thing here, and what makes Coverflex very attractive for employees, is, in fact, the variety and being very people friendly. The person can actively participate in this process of choosing and maximising their benefits. And, of course, at the administrative level, it makes our work a lot easier. I get to Coverflex’s platform and, in five minutes, everything is ok”, points out Emma's People Operations Manager.

Having the solution right from the moment of onboarding “makes it a lot easier”: the access process takes no more than five minutes for the person in charge. “From the moment I do so, the new employee already has access to the entire collection of benefits, meal allowance and insurance”, emphasises Cátia.

“The flexibility that Coverflex offers in terms of benefits is super aligned in what comes to the DNA and ownership that we try to give our employees. On the other hand, it makes it much easier for us to become competitive in the international market. We were able to maintain some salary levels, taking advantage of the benefits of Coverflex, and still managing to not incur so many costs for the company”, says Marta Martins, Emma's Recruiting Excellence Manager.

But there's more, explains Rodrigo Almeida, Team Lead Comparison and Affiliates at Emma. “We are entering a point where it is not just ownership over their work but over their time, meaning they can choose where to allocate their remuneration”, he points out. "In this aspect, Coverflex comes to offer its aspect of flexibility so that people can choose and actually have ownership of what belongs to them. I think this is a point that allows us to be much more competitive in the job market, especially at this time when people are much more dynamic in their approach to the job market”, he highlights.

For Susana Almeida, Customer Excellence – Project Manager, the idea of being able to count on flexible benefits as part of her remuneration was not new. But only Emma managed to break her free from the pre-settings at the beginning of each month.

“What is new is the experience with the app and the fact that we can manage the budget, etc. (...). Here I am the one who allocates, who decides. I can see the budget in real time, ask for a reimbursement right away, understand the type of benefit (...). It's much easier to manage”, she says. “I'm not one of those people who can complain about reaching the end of the month with a lot of money on my benefits card”, she concludes, between laughs.

Susana’s favourite benefit Gym & Fitness

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