n March 2022, we developed the Donations category and added it to our range of flexible benefits. This benefit makes it easier to give financial support to public or private entities that are mentioned in the Portuguese tax benefits by-law (EBF - Estatuto de Benefícios Fiscais).To be considered as part of this by-law, these entities must develop work mainly within the social, cultural, environmental or educational fields. Therefore, it is exempt from Social Security and IRS for the employee, and from TSU for the company.

The category, which was already being planned for a long time, was first launched as a mechanism to help a particular and pressing circumstance, enabling any employee with access to Coverflex to transfer funds to an institution of their choice that had an impact, in any way, on the lives of the people going through the war situation in Ukraine.

As the months went by, however, we felt that we needed to take the next step: that of enabling, through Coverflex, more lives to be helped, more precarious situations to be improved. We contacted more organisations to figure out if they wanted to join us and be part of this movement, and we expanded our network of institutions.

Unfortunately, the situation that accelerated the development of this tool is not over yet, and therefore it continues to be possible, through Coverflex, to make donations to institutions that are involved in humanitarian aid in Ukraine. However, at the moment, anyone using Coverflex in Portugal can use their benefits balance to also help institutions that are dedicated to other causes, from the defence of human rights to the fight against domestic violence, including the strive to mitigate hunger and extreme poverty, among many others.

These are the institutions we are joining forces with at the moment, which make a difference in the lives of so many people:

  • AJUDARIS - Associação de Solidariedade Social

But we will not stop here. Our aim is to continue to expand this list, including different areas of solidarity, as well as different and equally important causes.

With your flexible benefits, you can donate a happier time to people in vulnerable situations at any time. Go to the Donations section in your app, choose the cause with which you most identify, and make a difference in someone's life.