t's the first time this is happening: five different generations come together in the same working market. Traditionalists (born before 1946), Baby Boomers (1946-1964), Generation X (1965-1976), Millennials (1977-1997) and Generation Z (born after 1997) gather, at the present time, in the working market and this, in addition to bringing a diversity never before recorded in history, assures an enormous challenge: making such different generations feel “at home” in a market that is increasingly flexible and adapted to their particular needs.

According to the study "EY 2021 Work Reimagined Employee Survey" released by the consultant in May this year, more than half of workers (54%) plan to leave their current job if their respective companies won’t consider offering more flexibility in what comes to both work schedule and work location. This is because, whenever we talk about flexibility, it is not just a matter of “where” and “when” we work, but everything that implies “how” and “why” we do it. And that includes factors such as available tools, purpose and remuneration.

According to the study "EY 2021 Work Reimagined Employee Survey" released by the consultant in May this year, more than half of workers (54%) plan to leave their current job if their respective companies won’t consider offering more flexibility in what comes to both work schedule and work location.

It was about this challenge that Coverflex spoke at Expo RH, the largest human resources event in Portugal, which took place between June 16th and 18th, in face-to-face format (in Cascais) and online (via WebApp).

Here is the full video of the presentation:

With the growing need to make all aspects of working life more flexible, people management is currently related to flexibility versus proximity, control versus autonomy or leadership versus empowerment. Therefore, technology came to mediate this relationship between managers and employees, and between them and the world.

With the growing need to make all aspects of working life more flexible, people management is currently related to flexibility versus proximity, control versus autonomy or leadership versus empowerment. Therefore, technology came to mediate this relationship between managers and employees, and between them and the world.

“One size fits all” does not work. (...) This type of flexibility ensures that people are more integrated into the organization in what comes to their remuneration package", said Nuno Simões, Human Capital director at PwC, in a conversation with João Franqueira, Head of People from Coverflex. “We are dealing with generations that no longer know what it's like to work without a tablet, without a phone. With Coverflex we can make these choices on a daily basis, without wasting time with bureaucracy”, he reinforced.

Irene Vieira Rua, director of Human Resources at Dr. Finanças, underlined that generational diversity calls for a complete change of perspective. “You really have to catch the wave so you don't get left behind. Flexibility is what the global world is asking for. It's directing all the tools and resources towards what makes sense,” she said.